Are You Ready for A Direct Mail Campaign?


Are You Ready for A Direct Mail Campaign?

There's a simple truth about direct mail marketing: it works. When you send your message through the mail, people are more likely to read, remember, and act on it.

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10 min. read
Trackable Unique URL QR Codes
5 min. read

Revolutionize Your Corefact Direct Mail Campaigns with Trackable Unique URL QR Codes

Imagine taking direct mail marketing to the next level, seamlessly bridging the physical and digital worlds. Now, you can!

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Real Estate Brand Marketing Guide
3 min. read

Free: Fourth Quarter Brand Marketing Guide

Wondering what your marketing strategy will be this fall? We have your entire plan from October to December all mapped out. Download our guide today!

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Uploading Mailing Lists Through Corefact
13 min. read

Corefact 101: Uploading Mailing Lists

Mailing lists are essential to utilize the Corefact system fully. We've built a platform that allows you to upload your target market database easily.

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Every Door Direct Mail
4 min. read

Getting Started with Corefact EDDM

Every Door Direct Mail is a cost-effective mailing solution for geographical farming. Learn all about this product!

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How Does the Home Estimate Work?
7 min. read

How Does the Home Estimate Work?

Corefact offers a free home estimate that can be used on any of our postcards. To view their home estimates, homeowners scan a QR code.

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